Use the Start Screen on Windows 8

1. Hit the windows button on your keyboard. It's the one between CTRL and ALT on the bottom left of the keyboard.

2. Click "Desktop" when you are ready to return to your desktop.

3. Click on any of the preinstalled Windows Store applications on the start screen. For example, clicking on the camera tile on the start screen will open the camera app.

4. The start screen also houses traditional desktop applications, and they can be easily differentiated from their Windows Store cousins by looking at their tiles. Clicking on them will open the application in the desktop.

5. If you have downloaded any applications from the Windows Store, they will also show up in the start screen.

6. Right click on the tile of a desktop application to bring up controls for that application, which include pinning that app to the taskbar, running the app as administrator, and more.

7. Right click on the tile of a Windows Store application to bring up a panel which contains controls for the particular application, which include unpinning that app from the start screen, turning it's live tile off, uninstalling that particular application. The controls are application specific

8. Click on your account picture in the top right to change your account picture, lock your computer, sign out of Windows, or switch to another user account.

9. Right click on an empty space in the start screen to bring up a panel which houses the "All apps" button. Clicking on this button will take you to a list of all programs you have installed on your computer.

10. Click and drag apps to rearrange them. You can easily organize your start screen this way. You can also sort applications into groups.

11. Click on the bottom right corner to get access to a zoomed out view of the start screen. Right clicking on groups of apps from this view allows you to name that group.

12. Type while on the start screen to search your computer for those keywords.

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